

Funny videos

Running a Boat Engine in the Bath Tube

This guy is crazy for some reason he needs to run a boat motor in his bathroom in the apartment. WHY?!?

No Litter Russian Girl

Looks like this Russian gal is too serious about littering problem.

Street Brawl in Russia (not)

As guy puts it: “We were listening to Rammstein, loud. This guy didn’t like it.”. Here is their conflict caught on video.

Accurate Prediction from 1947!

This French video of 1947 pretty much accurately describes us in 2014
Watch you’ll be amazed - everyone walking here and there with their smartphones, watching movies on them, ignoring each other. Also they even had a prototype of a dash cam recording crashes!

Funny Cat Repeats after her Owner, While Sleeping

This funny and cute cat repeats after her owner coughs with her cute sounds. Hard to describe, better watch!

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