
Summer Bummers: How to Keep Your Home Free Of Pests

Many people notice that their pest problem gets worse during the summertime. Pests look for a place to shield themselves from the heat. They may choose your home as the perfect spot. This can lead to an increase in all kinds of pests in your home. However, there are some things that you can do in order to keep them out. Below are several different ways that you can prepare your home and work with professionals to keep your home pest free during the summer months. Many of these also have additional added benefits, such as lower energy bills and a better sense of cleanliness throughout your entire home.

Seal the Windows and Doors

Pests tend to get into your home through the small cracks around your doors and windows. It will be a lot harder for the pests to get in if your windows and doors are sealed. You can use screen mesh to seal the door. When you are considering getting your doors and windows sealed, try looking for a professional who can do the job. Finding someone who is experienced with this type of work would be helpful because it would mean that they won’t miss a spot. If you try to seal your windows and doors yourself, you may later find that you missed several key areas or simply didn’t apply everything correctly.

Keep Your Home Clean

One of the best things that you can do to keep pests out of your home is to keep it clean. The kitchen is one of the areas that you will need to pay special attention to. Make sure that all food debris is cleaned up. You will also need to wipe down all of the counters and sweep up the floors. Try making a schedule for yourself in order to keep your home clean. Set it up so each area of your home gets cleaned about once a week. This will both keep pests out and also keep your home cleaner for longer. Summer can be a time where kids are constantly going in and out of the home, so consider establishing a no shoes in the house policy to keep your home cleaner for longer as well.

Call a Professional

It is a good idea to hire a professional pest control company. They are not only great for getting rid of the pests, but they can also perform preventative treatments. Preventative treatment can help you save time and money. These kinds of treatments include things like spraying around your home, both inside and out, to make sure that bugs don’t get in. When you are looking for a professional to provide you with these kinds of services, make sure to keep your family’s safety in mind. While a qualified professional will use chemicals and tools that won’t be harmful to your family or pets, its always a good idea to double check what kind of treatments they use and make sure that these will not harm you or your family.

Properly Dispose of the Trash

Garbage is one of the things that can attract pests. The trash serves as a food source for the pests. That is why you need to make sure that you properly dispose of trash. All of your trash cans should have a lid that fits them properly. You should also keep standing water away from your home. This applies to both the interior and exterior of your home. Having something like a compost bin close to your home can provide an easy point of entry to your home. This is also true for any pools of standing water, as these can provide a breeding ground for mosquitos and other types of pests. Here again, a professional pest control company can come in handy. They can usually provide a survey of your home and see where any potential problem points can be. They can then take care of those points themselves or leave it up to you to deal with.

Buy a Good Vacuum Cleaner

You can easily carry pests from place to place. For example, you can carry them on your bed sheets and furniture. Pests can also hide along the baseboards. That is why you will need to vacuum on a regular basis. Vacuuming is one of the best things that you can do to keep your home free of pests. By investing in a good vacuum cleaner, you can be assured that you are properly cleaning your home. Make sure to empty the bag frequently and check it regularly to make sure that it is running well and staying up to speed so that your home will be kept clean for a long time.

Your home does not have to be a haven for pests. You can keep them out by sealing the windows and doors. You will also need to maintain a clean home. Properly disposing of your trash and vacuuming on a regular basis will also help keep the pests away. Additionally, you will need to call a professional to perform preventative treatments. Doing all of these things early in the summer can be especially helpful. With warmer weather, pests are drawn out of hiding and into your home. By taking the proper steps however, you can be assured that your home will be pest free all summer long.

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