5 Tips To Be Beautiful Without Makeup

Many times, women think we need to be nice makeup and the more the better … and this is not so. Women have a beauty that is innate nature we only need to know the maximum boost it.

Makeup is not the only way to be beautiful; but it certainly is fun and we like to use it to enhance all our features, it is not always necessary. A woman will be a thousand times more beautiful if you know enhance their beauty naturally if you do with tons of makeup … something that in the end is too artificial.

If from now you decide to use a more natural beauty, you will realize how much money and time you save, and you may be worthwhile. Today I want to give you some tips (and testing) so you can be both beautiful without makeup. Attentive!

5 Tips To Be Beautiful Without Makeup

  1. Facial Cleansers

The first step to being beautiful is to clean the face, and one way to do that is to do it through facial cleansers, but have to do with products that are gentle on your face, because those who are strong can strip cells skin and leave it dry and rough. So do not hesitate to use a facial cleanser that is as natural as possible.

  1. Wash Your Face Morning and Night

Some people only wash their faces when they shower or when they have to remove makeup … Error! Ideally, wash your face both morning and night, so you’ll be helping your skin look more radiant naturally and what is best … you’re fighting acne without using chemicals and harmful!

  1. Caring Eyebrows

When I tell you to be careful with eyebrows I mean I do not get the shave too. Some women think that having a very thin eyebrow and with less hair are prettier … and nothing is so.

Nice eyebrows be a beautifully shaped eyebrows, but have hair, because it would be quite rare.

  1. No Eyeliner

Maybe you hard to believe now, but the mascara is eyeliner dispensable if you have with Vaseline. Shine to your lashes can apply a little Vaseline (very little!) And be perfect.

  1. Coconut Oil

To make your lips stand out is not necessary that they put you paint or shine, with a little coconut oil as lip balm will also be very sensual and perfectly hydrated.

How about these tips to be beautiful without using a drop of makeup? Do you like this style prefer natural beauty or makeup of a lifetime?