You have several choices for ground transportation from Hobby Airport. Many visitors prefer a shuttle over other options. Read this article to review the advantages of a privately-run shuttle from Hobby to Galveston.

Public Transportation Challenges

Public transportation options like buses have multiple stops, which makes your trip longer. You also won’t have a specific reservation for your ride like you do with a shuttle. During busy periods, you might have to stand on the bus. You are also at the mercy of the bus schedule which may not run at night. The biggest challenge involves carrying luggage on and off the bus.

Rental Car Disadvantages

Rental cars get expensive once you add taxes and insurance. If you are a first-time visitor, you are not familiar with the local roadways. Houston traffic is difficult to navigate even for experienced locals. Getting into an accident with a rental car means a lot of headaches with paperwork and paying deductibles. Once you get to your destination, you have to park the rental car. Not all hotels offer free parking. You will also have to be careful to keep the rental car clean, and return it with a full tank of gas.

Problems With Relying on Friends and Family 

Friends and family often help out with rides to and from the airport. However, flight schedules change without warning. Your flight could be delayed or even cancelled. You need a way to contact family that expect to meet you at the arrivals terminal. They will have to pay to park at the airport, or circle the terminal several times until you meet them. In addition, friends must take time out of their day to make the entire round-trip drive. 

Advantages of a Private Shuttle

With a private shuttle, you’ll enjoy a reservation. The shuttle driver helps you with your luggage. You will proceed directly from the airport to Galveston. The driver is a local who can give you tips about things to do while in the area.