Help Your Crew Transition More Smoothly Between Different Construction Projects

If you have a major construction project that is about to get underway, you will want to make sure that you are setting up the appropriate construction project management. To help you have a clearer understanding of why this is such an important thing for you to do, you will want to read through the following bits of information.

In particular, moving efficiently between construction sites can be difficult when the crew may be unmotivated or communication isn’t clear. Rather than wasting precious daylight, try these helpful tips to help your crew transition more quickly and smoothly between projects.

Develop a Plan and Put It to a Schedule

With any construction project, no matter how big or small, it is important to make sure that there is a proper plan in place. Without a suitable plan, it would be very hard to get anything done properly. Along with having a thorough plan laid out, there will need to be a schedule. This schedule will have more details than just when the project should begin and when it should end. Each beginning and end of every stage of the development needs to be put on the schedule, as this a helpful way to make sure that everything goes smoothly. Every member of the construction team will know what is happening right then and what they can be expected to do within the next few days or even the next few weeks. All of this is put together by someone on the construction project management team.

Determine Expenses and Set a Budget

The expense of a construction project is something that is worrisome for a lot of professionals. Even though it might be expected that the cost is going to be substantial, it may be extra important to make sure that the project is not going over its designated budget. There will be the total budget that is to cover everything from labor to materials to purchase of the building permits. Then that budget is further broken down into segments that can help the crew know what can be spent on each stage of the building process. This budget is put together by the project manager. It is also the job of that construction manager to make sure that the budget is being carefully followed every step of the way.

Assign Individual Crew Members Responsibilities

If you do not have a construction project management team as of yet, you will want to make sure that you are taking a little time to find the right one as soon as possible. Whether this is someone that you promote from within your company or you hire an outside company to help you, it is a step that you will not want to skip over.

As the leader on a project site, it’s up to you to manage the crew’s tasks during the day. Assigning responsibilities will encourage the crew to promptly move from assignment to assignment, cutting down social time or unscheduled breaks. Following a schedule can have everyone moving forward at the same pace and keep all crew members informed as to what’s expected of them by the hour. By efficiently utilizing the crew during the day and assigning certain members to different clean-up activities, you and your team can move quickly from project to project.

Utilize an Equipment Trailer

Equipment trailers can help your crew organize necessary machinery and tools quickly so they’re ready to be transported to the next site or project. Relying on individual cars and people to bring tools can often make the process more complicated and potentially unsafe. Equipment trailers can be towed behind your car and carry heavy, unwieldy machines or tools that don’t fit anywhere else. Don’t risk breaking machinery and delaying a job when you can efficiently secure valuable items to be moved to the next project.

If you are moving between completed projects and new projects, having a trailer for each piece of heavy duty construction equipment you use will make the transition easier. You can also look for an enclosed trailer if you plan to store your equipment between jobs without needing to unload it.

Monitor Tool Use and Storage

Improper tool usage and hogging are huge contributors to slowing down job site efficiency. Some crew members may sign out too many tools at once or not return them to their original container. This lack of organization can often lead to broken tools and slowing down the project. Utilize a strict sign-out procedure that keeps track of who has a tool and for how long. Ensure no one has tools they don’t require and encourage the crew to store the tools back in their original containers so they can be swiftly packed and made ready to go.

Schedule Machinery and Other Deliveries Promptly

Don’t delay the team with late deliveries of necessary items. Have a plan in place to transfer all necessary vehicles, machinery, and tools from project to project so crew members can immediately begin their work. Delayed deliveries can slow down the entire site and add hours or days to the job. Keep a tight timetable on equipment deliveries to prevent your crew from sitting and waiting on the specific machinery needed to do the next part of the job. 

Transitioning between projects can cause confusion if it’s not done correctly. With the right leadership and preparation, you can easily transition your crew between numerous projects.
