Category: Old Stuff
Accurate Prediction from 1947!
This French video of 1947 pretty much accurately describes us in 2014 Watch you’ll be amazed - everyone walking here and there with their smartphones, watching movies on them, ignoring each other. Also they even had a prototype of a dash...
Act Now to Refinance Your Home Before It’s Too Late
– There has never been a better time to refinance your home. That’s because of a little-known government program called the Home Affordable Refinance Plan (HARP). This allows Americans to refinance their homes at shockingly low rates, and reduce their payments...
Modern Рortraits Оf Оld Сraftsmanship
Interesting workers portraits by Alessandro Venier. Тhis images tells stories оf реорle who continues works, sеаrching fоr the unique рrоduсt.