A fresh computer, out of the box, with a keyboard as yet undefiled by years of dust and crumbs from occasional sneaky packets of crisps, is a wondrous thing to behold. It boots promptly. Everything works as it should. And when you want your computer to do something, it does it without delay! You might think this is just a honeymoon period, like the illusive, unmistakable scent of a new car. Just as taking good care of a car can prolong this, so can a new computer work better for longer with a bit of maintenance. If it took you an abysmally long time from starting up your computer to loading this article, though, have no fear! Give the following ideas a whirl to have your car – wait, wrong analogy – computer running back up to speed! Tips To Speed Up Your Computer

Toolbars and Other False Friends

Is half your window covered over by toolbars, installed so very helpfully by free programs you find online? A very small percentage are innocent or even slightly useful – such as Winamp’s toolbar – but for the most part, a toolbar’s main functions are being undesirable and slowing down your computer. Take a few minutes to check what sort of toolbars and browser add-ons which you have installed, and prune accordingly. Make sure to get the tricky ones that you might have hidden away on their initial installation, too!

Spring Cleaning

Another culprit for slow PC performance is a bloated computer. Windows computers come equipped with clean-up tools that can be accessed from your control panel. One of the simplest ways of speeding up your computer is by using Programs and Features to uninstall programs you don’t use or games you no longer play. A utility program like the well-regarded CCleaner can also get into those mucky corners of your hard-drive and fix up any bugs in your registry that might be affecting your computer’s speed. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not alter your computer’s start-up programs? Trimming them back can save serious time!

It’s Not Me, It’s You

Sometimes, the problem might run a little deeper than a tune-up. It could be worth getting down on your hands and knees and investigating your computer’s cooling system. Not only could overheating slow down your computer but it actually can cause permenant damage to your PC’s hard drive. Computer fans are a long-suffering piece of equipment, often clogged up by staggering amounts of dust and pet hair.Even wiping away the dust on the surface should make a difference. No matter how spruced up an old piece of hardware is, though, it won’t be able to keep up with more modern demands and programs. It might be time for an upgrade, depending on what you’re looking for, speed-wise. Companies like Corsair sell RAM for moderate prices, which can give your computer a new lease of life. Another option might be changing internet plans or providers – a huge jump to faster fibre optic internet might be just the thing for teaching your old dog a new new tricks. Michelle is a free lance writer based in Aberdeen. His top tip for speeding up your computer is using CCleaner which is free and very simple to use.